Engage With GW

The Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving provides a selection of engagement opportunities for alumni to stay connected to GW. Through opportunities such as organizing class reunions, advocating for GW and sharing university updates, and highlighting outstanding alumni achievements, GW fosters a connection between the university and its alumni community.

Social Media Ambassador

Join the “Buff and Blue Crew,” our social media ambassador program. Sign up to receive postable GW content via email to share on the social media platforms of your choice.

Sign Up to be a Social Media Ambassador

Giving Day Advocate

Volunteer activation during March and April. Giving Day Advocates connect with GW community members, get the word out on social media, and share information with their networks to increase engagement on our annual Giving Day.

Sign Up to be a Giving Day Advocate

Reunion Volunteer

Reunion volunteers will have an opportunity to reach out to classmates to invite them back to campus, as well as help plan the details for their reunion party and any other class-specific activities during GW Alumni & Families Weekend.

Alumni in Focus

The GW Alumni Association wants to celebrate your achievements with the rest of our incredible alumni community! We encourage you to submit your success story to be featured as part of the GW Alumni In Focus campaign.

Complete the Alumni in Focus Form